Psychological Assessments in Denver, CO

psychological assessments denver

Psychological testing and assessments are an invaluable and an often-understated part of mental health treatment.  Clinical assessments administered by a psychologist can be brief, taking as little as 15 minutes to complete, or be rather lengthy depending upon what is being tested.  And while prices vary, psychological and cognitive assessment tests can provide extremely important diagnostic information that significantly impacts the type of help you receive and your recovery process.  Testing for aptitude, performance, cognitive ability/disability, neurological functioning, sensory/motor, intelligence, personality, and behaviors are categories that can be evaluated. Results from various tests can provide you or your loved one's with access to important academic, occupational, or social services.

Psychological Testing and Assessments

In my practice I utilize formal psychological testing in conjunction with therapy, or separately depending on a patient’s need. Because of issues relating to ethics, it is important that testing be prioritized, especially if you are unsure about continuing in therapy. Psychological and cognitive assessment tests can help determine the best course of treatment or areas of focus for an individual.

Psychological assessment categories include:

  • Pre-surgical Evaluations for Bariatric Surgery

  • ADHD

  • Personality

  • Career Interests and Skills Assessments

  • Brief Neuropsych

  • Brief Assessment of Cognitive Functioning

If you or a loved one are interested in a Psychological Assessment in Denver, CO, please contact Gorog Health for more information about specific tests administered & pricing.